Physics Beyond Colliders (PBC) is an exploratory study aimed at exploiting the full scientific potential of CERN's accelerator complex and technical infrastructure, as well as its know-how in accelerator and detector science and technology. PBC projects complement the goals of the main experiments of the Laboratory’s collider programme. They target fundamental physics questions that are similar in spirit to those addressed by high-energy colliders, but require different types of beams and experiments. The PBC mandate is available here.
The kick-off workshop held in September 2016 identified a number of areas of interest. Working groups have been set-up to pursue studies in these areas. See 'Organization' for a detailed breakdown of the current structure.
New Ideas
The Physics Beyond Colliders study remains open to further ideas for new projects. Instructions to submit new ideas are given here.
Stay informed
Should you wish to receive general announcements and updates, please subscribe to the e-group PBC-info here. (If you do not have a CERN account, you will first need to create a lightweight account. CERN Lightweight Accounts provide limited access to certain applications)