Gamma Factory
The Gamma Factory concept could provide novel research opportunities or significantly increase the precision of already ongoing research programmes in particle, nuclear, atomic and applied physics. Following the submission of a Letter of Intent to the SPSC for a Proof of Principle Experiment at the SPS, the working group will focus primarily on the definition of scope, impact of the SPS experiment and preparation of its technical design. The Working Group will conduct the R&D needed to build and operate the SPS Proof-of-Principle experiment: it will evaluate the performance of the laser photon sources, it will study the production and control of partially stripped ion beams, the synchronization laser/ion beam and the beam dynamics (laser cooling, collective effects, etc.), it will specify the instrumentation required for the characterization of the X-ray beam.
Optimized laser system design, initial prototyping and integration of the experiment and ancillary systems in the SPS and TI18 tunnels for the SPS Proof of Principle Experiment.
Simulation tools implementing the interaction of photons with partially stripped ions and describing the dynamics of the ion beam (including collective effects).
Definition of the measurement campaign of the Gamma Factory Proof-of-Principle experiment, of the expected experimental results and of their impact on the validation of the Gamma Factory concept for the physics goals identified by the PBC Physics Working Groups.
Technical Design of the SPS Proof of Principle Experimental set-up.
Working Group Core Members
Conveners: Yann Dutheil, Mieczyslaw Witold Krasny, Aurelien Martens (IJCLab Orsay)
Core Members: Reyes Alemany Fernandez, Gianluigi Arduini, Kincso Balazs, Dmitry Budker (Helmholtz Institute, Mainz), Sebastien Evrard, Valentin Fedoseev, Frederic Galleazzi, Ruben Garcia Alia, Brennan Goddard, Wolfgang Höfle, Thibaut Lefevre, Bruce Marsh, John Osborne, Ioannis Papaphilippou, Chiara Pasquino, Alexey Petrenko (BINP, Novosibirsk), Wiesiek Placzek (Jagiellonian University, Kraków), Owain Williams.
All previous meetings (agenda)
All previous meetings (agenda)