BSM Working Group

Project coverage

The BSM working group deals with the experimental aspects of BSM-oriented PBC projects, and with the theoretical motivation of those not related to Feebly Interacting Particles (FIPs).

The current PBC projects of potential interest for BSM are listed below together with an indication of the main topics under study :

  • NA64++: post-LS3 extended program with e.g. muon and hadron beams as well as muonium production
  • NA62++: post-LS3 program with higher-intensity K+/beamdump and new K0 beam
  • SHADOWS: physics reach and set-up optimization
  • SHiP: further optimization of experimental set-up and physics reach
  • TauFV: further optimization of experimental set-up and physics reach
  • AWAKE++: physics potential of a post-LS3 AWAKE electron beam in CNGS tunnel
  • Forward Physics Facility @LHC: BSM physics potential of FASER Phase2, FORMOSA (MilliQAN-like detector) and FLArE (LAr TPC)
  • MATHUSLA/ANUBIS/CODEX-b: optimization of set-up and quantification of physics reach
  • ENUBET: physics reach of a CERN implementation
  • NuTAG: physics reach of an implementation outside or at CERN (possibly in synergy with ENUBET)
  • Gamma Factory: BSM physics opportunities including from PoP experiment
  • EDM ring: physics potential of the prototype ring in discussion at COSY
  • EDM with double crystals: physics reach of short lived baryons EDM measurement
  • AION: physics potential of a CERN implementation
  • PTOLEMY: physics potential
  • AD/ISOLDE/nTOF: initial support to new ideas for fundamental physics measurements at these facilities

Working Group core members:

Convener: Torben Ferber (KIT, D)

External experts: Klaus Jungmann (EDM and precision atomic/nuclear physics), Giuseppe Ruoso (axions), Yevgeny Stadnik (quantum sensors), Joachim Brod (flavour physics, dark matter), Andreas Crivellin (flavour physics, lepton flavour universality violation), Martin Gonzalez Alonso (effective field theories), Thomas Schwetz (neutrino physics, dark matter), Yotam Soreq (intensity/precision frontier physics).

Project representatives: Karim Massri (NA62++), Michal Koval (NA62++), Giuseppe Ruggiero (NA62++), Alexey Boiarskyi (SHiP), Lesya Shchutska (TauFV), Dmitrii Kirpichnikov (NA64++), Paolo Crivelli (MUONIUM), Paolo Lenisa (pEDM), Matthew Wing (AWAKE++), David Curtin (MATHUSLA), Albert de Roeck (FORMOSA), Michele Papucci (CODEX-b), Jonathan L. Feng (FPF and FASER2), Milind Diwan (FPF-FLArE), Augusto Ceccucci (SHADOWS), Oleg Brandt (ANUBIS), Fabio Pupilli (ENUBET), Juergen Brunner (NuTAG), Oliver Buchmueller (AION), Luca Cavoto (PTOLEMY), Witek Krasny (Gamma Factory), Magda Kowalska (ISOLDE), Fernando Martinez Vidal (EDM with crystals).