Plenary Meetings/Workshops and Documents
Mainz, November 2020 | Physics Opportunities with the Gamma Factory Workshop (Agenda) | Get material |
September 2020 | Ion Beam Collimation for Future Hadron Colliders - Thesis | Document |
October 2019 | Letter of Intent submitted to the SPSC | Document |
September 2019 | Gamma Factory Proof-of-Principle Experiment | Document |
LAL/Orsay, June 2019 | Gamma Factory Workshop (Agenda) | Get material |
CERN, March 2019 | Gamma Factory Plenary Meeting (Agenda) | Get material |
November 2015 | The Gamma Factory proposal for CERN - Executive Summary | Document |
Talks at major HEP conferences and Colloquia
CERN, Nov 2020 |
ECFA Plenary Session - "Novel opportunities for Atomic, Nuclear, and Applied Physics" (D. Budker) |
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ECFA Plenary Session - "Technical aspects, R&D and Proof-of-Principle" (Y. Dutheil) |
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ECFA Plenary Session - "Physics context and opportunities for Particle Physics" (M.W. Krasny) |
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Prague, Jul 2020 |
ICHEP - 40th International Conference on High Energy Physics "The Gamma Factory path to high-luminosity LHC with laser-cooled isoscalar-ion beams" (M.W. Krasny) |
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Ghent, Jul 2019 |
EPS Conference - "Gamma Factory at CERN - Progress Report" (Y. Dutheil) |
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Villigen, |
Paul Scherrer Institute Colloquium - "The Gamma Factory for CERN: Conceptual Foundation, Feasibility Studies, and Research Opportunities" (M.W. Krasny) |
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Riga, May 2018 |
ARIES Annual Meeting - "The Gamma Factory" (M.W. Krasny) |
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Venice, Jul 2017 |
EPS Conference - "The Gamma Factory Proposal" (M.W. Krasny) |
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CERN, Sep 2016 |
PBC Kickoff Workshop - The First Gamma Factory talk: "The Gamma Factory Initiative" (M.W. Krasny) |
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CERN, Nov 2015 |
Accelerator and Technology Colloquium - "The High-Intensity Gamma Source for CERN: Physics Highlights and Technical Challenges" (M.W. Krasny) |
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